Lexi was born on April 5th, 2002 in Charlottesville Virginia. Her birth was very quick and she was very bruised on her face. She has trouble breathing and was under an oxygen tent for her first day but we were told we could take her home.

She was very brown but we were assured that she was OK. The brown color was jaundice and since it wasn’t treated it caused damage to a part of her brain that helps control movement.

Lexi was never able to walk, sit by herself or even hold anything in her hand.
Lexi went to ballet with the help of her Mom and sister Hannah.
In 2008 we discussed the idea of using deep brain stimulation with her neurologist Dr Shapiro. After many tests and discussions Lexi was scheduled for surgery.
The first surgery was on July 25th, 2009 during which electrodes were implanted in each side of her brain. It took eleven hours.
The following week the stimulator was implanted in her abdomen and the wires from the electrodes in her brain were connected.
A few weeks later the stimulator was turned on. Lexi seemed to have improvement almost immediately. We were told that we might not see any changes for months.
Lexi is beginning to get some control of her movements. She could read when she was two years old but now she can hold a marker. In December of 2009 she surprised us by writing her name.